lms-cleaning-equipment | Cleaning and Decontaminating - Equipment and Environments |
lms-cleaning-intwash | Cleaning Interiors and Washrooms |
lms-cleaning-waste | Cleaning and Waste Management |
lms-data-gdpr-dc | Understanding the GDPR - Data Controllers / Officers |
lms-data-gdpr-dc-edu | Understanding GDPR - Data Controllers in Education Settings |
lms-data-gdpr-dp | Understanding the GDPR - Data Processors |
lms-data-gdpr-dp-edu | Understanding the GDPR - Data Processors in Educational Settings |
lms-data-gdpr-dp-hc | Understanding Data Protection, Handling Information and GDPR in Health and Care Environments |
lms-diab-aware | Diabetes - Understanding, Controlling, Monitoring |
lms-eand-oview | Understanding Equality and Diversity |
lms-eand-workplace | Equality and Diversity in the Workplace and Community |
lms-epilepsy-aware | Epilepsy Awareness |
lms-epilepsy-oview | Understanding Epilepsy |
lms-epilepsy-seizures | Epilepsy - Understanding Seizures and Classifications |
lms-fire-marshall | Fire Marshall - Understanding the Role |
lms-fire-safety | Fire Safety Awareness |
lms-fire-safety-hca | Fire Safety in Healthcare Environments |
lms-firstaid-allergy | Understanding Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis |
lms-firstaid-bls | Principles of First Aid - Adults and Children |
lms-firstaid-paed | Principles of Paediatric First Aid |
lms-food-allergens | Understanding Food Allergens and Controls |
lms-food-safety | Food Safety and Hygiene Level 2 - Intermediate |
lms-food-safety-practitioner | Food Safety and Hygiene Level 2 for Practitioners |
lms-food-safety-supervisor | Food Safety and Hygiene Level 3 for Supervisors and Managers |
lms-gen-cov19-employee | Covid-19 An Employees Role in Maintaining Safety |
lms-gen-custserv | Delivering Great Service & Improving Customer Experiences |
lms-gen-ldd | Understanding Learning Difficulties and Disabilities |
lms-gen-literacy | Reading, Writing and Interpreting |
lms-hands-clerical | Health and Safety for Office Workers |
lms-hands-CRHARA | Understanding COSHH, RIDDOR, Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment |
lms-hands-CRRA-clean | Understanding COSHH, RIDDOR and Risk Assessment within Cleaning Functions |
lms-hands-general | Health and Safety (Level 2) |
lms-hands-healthcare | Health and Safety (Level 2) for Healthcare Workers |
lms-hands-loneworker | Health & Safety and Lone Working |
lms-hands-managers | Health and Safety Level 3 for Supervisors and Managers |
lms-hands-risk | Risk Assessment |
lms-hcare-pcc | Understanding Person-centred Care |
lms-hcare-phleb | Blood Transfusion Safety in Practice |
lms-hcare-recrephan-info | Recording, Reporting and Handling Information & Complaints in Healthcare Environments |
lms-hcare-tpn | Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) |
lms-hc-cc | The Care Certificate - Fundamentals |
lms-hc-comms | Communication and Handling Information in Healthcare Environments |
lms-hc-consent | Understanding Consent in Healthcare Environments |
lms-hc-cp | Care Planning and Risk Assessment |
lms-hc-eol | End of Life Care |
lms-hc-hca-falls | Slips, Trips and Falls Awareness in Healthcare Settings |
lms-hc-hca-infection-x2 | Infection Control (Issued in 2 Parts) |
lms-hc-hca-oxygen | Oxygen Therapy |
lms-hc-hca-perscare-continence | Understanding and Supporting Continence (including Urinary Catheters and Stoma Care) |
lms-hc-hca-perscare-update | Understanding MUST and GULP within Nutrition and Hydration |
lms-hc-hca-personal-csh | Personal Care, Support and Hygiene |
lms-hc-hca-puc | Pressure Ulcer Care |
lms-hc-pd | Privacy and Dignity in Healthcare |
lms-meds-msh-acute | Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines in Acute Settings |
lms-meds-msh-community | Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines in Community Settings |
lms-meds-msh-community-x4 | Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines (England) 2023 |
lms-mental-aut | Understanding Autism |
lms-mental-awareness | Mental Health Awareness |
lms-mental-challenging | Understanding Challenging Behaviour |
lms-mental-cyp | Understanding Mental Health – Children and Young People |
lms-mental-dta-applied | Dementia Care - Applying a Person Centred Approach |
lms-mental-dta-approach | Dementia Care - A Person Centred Approach |
lms-mental-dta-behaviour | Dementia Care - Understanding Behaviours |
lms-mental-dta-condition | Dementia Care - Understanding the Condition |
lms-mental-workplace | Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace |
lms-movhan-objects | The Principles of Moving and Handling (Objects) |
lms-movhan-people | The Principles of Moving and Handling (People) |
lms-nutrition-hydration-all | Nutrition and Hydration - All Ages |
lms-nutrition-hydration-elderly | Nutrition and Hydration in Older Adults |
lms-nutrition-hydration-exercise | Nutrition and Hydration in Exercise and Fitness |
lms-palcare-eol | Care During the Final Hours of Life and Bereavement Care |
lms-palcare-meaning | Understanding the Meaning of Palliative Care |
lms-palcare-person | Supporting a Person's Needs in a Palliative Care Context |
lms-palcare-physical | Supporting Physical Care Needs within Palliative Care |
lms-regs-doc | Duty of Candour |
lms-sguard-cp1 | Safeguarding - Child Protection (Level 1) |
lms-sguard-cp2 | Safeguarding - Child Protection (Level 2) |
lms-sguard-cp2-l3 | Understanding Child Protection and Responsibilities at Level 3 |
lms-sguard-cp3-hcw | Safeguarding - Child Protection Level 3 for Healthcare Workers |
lms-sguard-cp3-social | Safeguarding - Child Protection - Level 3 Everybody's Responsibility |
lms-sguard-mcadols | The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards |
lms-sguard-mcalps | The Mental Capacity Act and Liberty Protection Safeguards |
lms-sguard-ppb | Promoting Positive Behaviours |
lms-sguard-ppb-yas | Promoting Positive Behaviours - Children and Young People's Settings |
lms-sguard-prevent | Understanding Radicalisation and the Prevent Duty |
lms-sguard-prevent-yas | Understanding Radicalisation and the Prevent Duty (Children and Young Adult Settings) |
lms-sguard-slavery | Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking |
lms-sguard-sova | Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults - Level 2 |
lms-sguard-sova-l3 | Safeguarding Adults (Level 3) |
lms-vanda-managing | Managing Violence and Aggression |
lms-vanda-understand | Understanding Violence and Aggression in Healthcare Environments |
ntb-fire-safety | Fire Safety Awareness (Scotland) |
ntb-food-safety | Food Safety and Hygiene Scotland |
ntb-hc-candour | Duty of Candour (Scotland) |
ntb-hc-comms | Communication and Handling Information |
ntb-hc-cp | Care Planning and Risk Assessment (Scotland) |
ntb-hc-hcw | The Role of the Care Worker (Scotland) |
ntb-hc-induct | Scotland Induction |
ntb-meds-msh | Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines (Scotland) |
ntb-meds-msh-x4 | Managing and Safe Handling of Medicines in Community Settings 4 part (Scotland) |
ntb-sguard-asp | Adult Support and Protection Scotland. Safeguarding and the Lead Practitioner |
ntb-sguard-awi | Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act |
ntb-sguard-cp2 | Child Protection Scotland - A Shared Responsibility (Level 2) |